WHAT CHRISTMAS IS Christmas is Christianity. It stands out, as does Easter, as a "sore thumb" to those who would oppose Christianity. Man may try to suppress it; he may corrupt it, change its meaning, provide substitutes for it, or in a hundred other ways attempt to lessen its impact; yet it remains. And it always will remain, to the end of time. As prophesied 500 years before Christ came, "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." (Habakkuk 2:14) And though men and nations may hate, suppress, and reject this knowledge, they are powerless to make it cease. Even nations dedicated to hating Jesus must acknowledge that Jesus did live and teach! The world has (and will continue to have) no substitute for Christmas. It may offer anything from crass materialism to empty sentimentality. It may introduce distractions and substitutions. It may claim that the "true meaning" of Christmas is "love and good will," or some other abstract, nebulous concept. Indeed, there is often truth in what it says - the lie occurs in what it doesn't say: It mentions what is secondary and ignores (often suppresses) the primary significance. Furthermore, what it does say, it is POWERLESS to accomplish. People may say "peace and love" in December (often while half-drunk), but when January comes, they go back to hating, back-stabbing, and cutting each other's throats! Christmas is a celebration of joy. It is a celebration of joy for what God has done - not only two thousand years ago, but now and in the future. All other legitimate (secondary) meanings are possible only because of this. Two thousand years ago, God did exactly what he promised he would do. He fulfilled, to the exact detail, the many hundreds of promises he gave to mankind, over a period of several thousand years. At that time, God took the form of a man. Although he was by very nature deity, Jesus Christ humbled himself and took the nature of a man. Although he was (and is) the Sovereign Lord over all creation, he became a servant. The birth of Jesus Christ is not the only thing we celebrate. He was born so that he might one day die as a ransom for many - that they might not receive the wrath they deserve. Although he was sinless, he bore the sins of us who follow him. He was born so that he might one day rise from the dead - thus guaranteeing new (and eternal) life for those who look to him for salvation. He changes our lives, and continues to change us throughout our lives - enabling us to begin to have authentic love and goodwill toward others. He was born so that, having himself died and risen from the dead, he might come again and judge the living and the dead. At that time, "every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is LORD." (Philippians 2:10-11) For those who follow him, it will be a time of excitement and joy. For others, it will be the first time they face the reality of who Jesus is ... but it will be too late. Christmas is a celebration of joy - for those who belong to God, for those who accept and follow his ways. Its historic authenticity (the fact that it did truly happen as God said it would) is a permanent guarantee and reminder that everything God promises for the future shall also come to pass. For those who do not know God or follow his ways, it is a solemn warning of future events; but more than that, it is an offer of life for those who might listen and turn to God - that they, too, might share in our joy. 1986 (C) Dennis Hinks This may be freely copied.